Place your mining equipment in our data center in Ethiopia
We provide reliable and secure hosting, round-the-clock monitoring, repair and maintenance of your equipment
45 MW
350 MW
We plan to expand our own capacity to 350 MW by 2025
200 MW
Our hosting capacity can accommodate mining
projects of any size
Power capacity surpassing 100 MW
What do we offer
From the internal configuration and equipment of data center to the presence of a permanent team of engineers on site
Thought out to the smallest detail
High uptime guaranteed. Devices and data center are insured. Facilities are protected by military-grade security. Formal contract establishment
We provide completely legal hosting services with an agreement that ensures legal purity and transparency of the transactions.
24/7 data center maintenance service for your equipment. Safety ensured by paramilitary security.
We guarantee high ASIC miners uptime. Let your equipment work efficiently and maximize your revenue.
The data center and the devices within it are insured so your investments are protected.
Legal protection and transparency

24/7 service and security
Uptime > 99%
Your devices are insured

UMINERS New Data Center Advantages
We offer a unique opportunity to host your own equipment or equipment purchased with Uminers. Our team will help you to choose and purchase mining equipment best for achieving your investment goals.
© 2024 Uminers
Headquarters in China
Room 2004-2006, Nimble Plaza Tower A, Panyu Dadao North 330, Nancun Town, Guangzhou, China / 广东省广州市番禺区南村镇敏捷广场A塔2004-2006

The Broadway, Unit 04-05, 16th Floor, 54-62 Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong