О компании
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We Make Mining Easy
Need any help? Our managers will be happy to assist you and provide price, delivery and hosting information. Feel free to contact us.
We can guarantee safe and timely deliveries of ASICs, place the equipment in a reliable data center, provide 24/7 security and services for your devices. Official partner of major manufacturers.
Blockchain Life Awards Best Mining Distributor 2022, 2023, 2024
Uminers is a manufacturers direct partner. All equipment is delivered according to law requirements.
Even if some ASIC model is not in stock, we will deliver them directly from China.
We guarantee quality, safety, and timely execution. We fulfill our commitments on time.
We offer our partners and clients exclusive data center investment opportunities.
Direct deliveries
A large assortment
Reliable partner
Invest in mining
Everything for mining. Just one company
Mining equipment in stock
Mining return on investment calculation
ASIC-miners and custom mining containers
Maintenance service
Mining hosting
Direct deliveries from manufacturing plants. Every ASIC's is supplied according to legal requirements
Calculate potential mining profitability using our bot
Direct deliveries from our warehouse or manufacturer's factory. We take care of customs issues.
Equipment breakdown repair. ASIC-miners maintenance services for long and trouble-free operation

We will place your equipment in a reliable data center with military security and insurance. Modern facilities and 24/7 monitoring ensure uninterrupted operation and high uptime
Uminers is the official distributor of the largest manufacturers of mining devices, such as BITMAIN, MicroBT and others.
companies and private investors around the world
14 years
experience in international economic transactions
Uminers is active in 8 countries and is expanding its presence to almost all continents
Main office in Guangzhou, China. Subdivisions in the UAE, USA, Singapore and Oman.
devices we sell every month
45 MW
350 MW
By 2025 we plan to expand our own capacity to 350 MW
UMINERS in numbers
200 MW
— Countries of presence
— Countries of expansion

Calculate the equipment ROI using our Telegram bot
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Leave a request to order S21
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Leave a request to order S19K PRO
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Leave a request to order T21
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Our achievements and awards
World Digital Mining Summit in Tbilisi
World Digital Mining Summit in Frankfurt
Blockchain Technology Invest Day
Bitman Partners Summit in Shenzhen
Blockchain Life 2021 in Moscow ×2
World Digital Mining Summit in Dubai
Blockchain Life 2022 in Moscow
Mining Ехро in Irkutsk
Mining Disrupt in Miami
Blockchain Life 2023 in Dubai
Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai
Uminers in Media
We offer reliable and timely service
We will guide you on pricing, recommend the most cost-effective models for you, and provide delivery and hosting information
Headquarters in China
© 2024 Uminers
Room 2004-2006, Nimble Plaza Tower A, Panyu Dadao North 330, Nancun Town, Guangzhou, China / 广东省广州市番禺区南村镇敏捷广场A塔2004-2006

The Broadway, Unit 04-05, 16th Floor, 54-62 Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Россия, г. Москва, Ходынский б-р, 11
© 2024 Uminers
Rm.2120‐2121, 3rd bldg, Jieshun Rd, 9 Zhenli Rendong, Panyu, Guangzhou, China
О компании
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О компании
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